Shawn L. Bird

Original poetry, commentary, and fiction. All copyrights reserved.

anecdote- colouring eyebrows October 10, 2014

Filed under: anecdotes — Shawn L. Bird @ 12:45 am
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Over heard in the staff room:

K- Even if I don’t wear any other makeup, I have to wear mascara: my lashes are white!

S- Me, too.  I use it on my eyebrows, too.

D- What!? Why don’t you just dye your brows?

S- Meh. That’d take time for an appointment and money.  Why bother, my hand’s up there doing my lashes anyway, it’s just an inch further to do a brow.

K- But mascara is so crusty!

S- So? It’s not like I want them billowing in the wind or anything.




(At work, they haven’t learned to say, “Don’t put this on your blog!” yet) 😉


16 Responses to “anecdote- colouring eyebrows”

  1. Can’t. Stop. Laughing. So good. 🙂

  2. davidprosser Says:

    They’ll just have to ope they can’t be identified then.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  3. Hahah.had a good laugh!Thanks☺

  4. Oh, yes, great anecdote, They’re everywhere if we listen, aren’t they. A propos of this, recently I overheard, “I’m thinking of getting my eyebrows tattooed. Both my sisters did and they look great.” Honestly, why are we so willing to suffer for beauty?!

  5. skykinwrite Says:

    Pretty funny; esp your expression, “Anecdote-coloring eyebrows”. Is that how you meant it? Not anecdote: coloring eyebrows.

  6. quirknjive Says:

    Lol! Sometimes we’re just so silly!

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