Shawn L. Bird

Original poetry, commentary, and fiction. All copyrights reserved.

Poetry May 27, 2012

This is the link to

all the poetry on the blog 



Life, Love, Hope

60+ poems in 70 pages (or something like that)

The paperback version is $10

The ebook version is coming soon.

There are 2 sets of limited edition art chapbooks related to this collection of poems.  Each chapbook has a 3″X3″ unique, numbered art piece and half the poems from Life, Love, Hope.  These are available for $15 plus shipping for a limited time.  Contact Shawn (click  Contact above. Complete the form).




There are 48 poems in 60 pages.

The paperback version is $7.49

The ebook version is available for $2.49 


The scene on the cover, by the way, is at Fontaine de Vaucluse, France just a hundred metres or so from the source of the Sorgue River.  We visited in 2011.




I have published an e-book of 22 haiku poems.  It is entitled A Year In Love.  You can purchase it here.  It’s 99c, but if you use coupon code QK59P, you can have it free, my gift to you.





.I also have 3 poems in Runo paivassa – Poem a Day published by Cabin Books in Finland.






158 Responses to “Poetry”

  1. johnkul007 Says:

    Great site! Thanks for visiting me at I am also writing a novel “Obsession with Poison”, a true and not-so-true story of a surgeon’s journey. Thanks again!

  2. Jixi Fox Says:

    awesome…I am actually publishing an ebook as well. I am so happy to see other writers, sharing their works and get the epic smile of being published. It’s quite a reward for me. I hope it was for you. 🙂

    • Shawn Bird Says:

      I think poetry is particularly well suited for e-publishing since the audience is so eclectic. Good luck!

      • Maggie Says:

        This interests me. I had not thought of publishing an ebook of my poetry, but the idea intrigues me. Can you give me any pointers? This is wonderful blog, by the way.

      • Shawn Bird Says:

        Check out You can download a style guide so you know how to format your book. Smashwords is good because it doesn’t cost anything, and distributes to all the re-sellers (Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, etc) and they pay out with VERY low minimums.

  3. j4n Says:

    You are generous, dear Shawn, thank you.

  4. malctg Says:

    Hi Shawn. Thank you for liking my poem ‘ He Said’. Best Wishes, The Foureyed Poet.

  5. bluesage63 Says:

    Hi, thanks for visiting my blog and liking my poem “lovesong”. I am so happy i found your blog as well!

  6. Vonna Says:

    Thanks for the like.

  7. Eva PoeteX Says:

    What a great site and it’s so nice that you have this free collection out! 🙂 Thank you for checking out mine. ❤

  8. modernteacher27 Says:

    You have a gift for expression! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  9. NOAEfame Says:

    Thank you for liking my blog. I appreciate your kindness

  10. almostannika Says:

    Thank you for liking my poem! I appreciate you stopping by my blog! You have some very interesting posts yourself! 🙂

  11. kabirgandhiok Says:

    Thanks for stopping by at and liking my poem 🙂 I feel honored and encouraged. Happy to have come across your blog as well 🙂 thanks and have a nice day!

  12. Thanks for following Community of the Incarnation. Keep writing. After being published in journals and other venues, I have my first book of poetry out this year. So you go girl!!

  13. Hi Shawn, Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my poem “The Rain”! I appreciate your feedback, I’m encouraged and excited. Congrats on being published!! I’m currently working on an ebook myself and hope to be published in the very near future. Wishing you much success!

    • Shawn Bird Says:

      Thank you very much, and thanks for stopping by. Good luck with your project! I have a novel and a novella out with beta readers now then off to agent/publisher, and a novel to finish during Camp NaNoWriMo in July. Busy time! 🙂

  14. gurkski Says:

    Hello Shawn,,

    I enjoy reading you.
    Are you from the Secwepemc nation?

  15. Yoshiko Says:

    Thank you, Shawn 🙂

  16. There is so much to enjoy on your blog! Love everything. I’ll be visiting often.
    Thanks for liking Divine Sport following my StudioThoughts.

  17. pi314chron Says:


    You embarrass me and thrill me at the same time. You never fail to “like” some little bauble I create as you just did on my poem “Granddaughter’s Birth.” And I, lazy by birth and natural inclination, read your precious poetry and go on my merry way without so much as a click. Is there any hope for me at all? My wife thinks it’s unlikely. Keep writing, and I’ll try to do better! 😛


  18. landl30 Says:

    Hi Shawn, appreciate you’re dropping by my as much as you do. Like your site and material… thoughtful and well crafted.
    (BTW — tried to use the coupon code to get your Haiku book but it wouldn’t take it… may be expired)

  19. matrixilluminos Says:


  20. Thanks for visiting my blog! I apologize for not viewing your blog sooner/commenting late, but I’ll definitely be sure to read your works. I’m looking forward to new updates!

  21. stephendallen Says:

    Thank you for visiting and following “Beyond The Cracked Window” and the like for “Heartfall”

    I always enjoy your site and your poetry.


  22. Congratulations and good luck with your book!! And thank you for following my blog. Been here before but going to look around some more! Interesting blog.

  23. fgassette Says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you took to stop by. May your day be filled with joy and peace.

  24. NOAEfame Says:

    I just found out about an amazing people all over the blogging community . Today again remind me too that I need to search more.I have find your blog and I will stick around for more.Thanks you for the like. I will be learning from you too.

  25. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I’ll def check out some of your poetry ~peace, Jason

  26. I have enjoyed exploring your blog and have nominated you for the Shine On Award. Here’s the link for more info:

  27. lawsonsotherdog Says:

    great site, I love your smile, it is infectious. and thanks for checking in on mine,

  28. worldofmymae Says:

    Hi, Ms. Shawn! Thank you for following World of Mymae. It’s fairly new project. You have a very wonderful site, lots of resource and inspiration. Keep inspiring! ~MyMae

  29. Hi Shawn,
    Thanks for visiting my site. I like your combination of music and poetry, and the links to the harp music.

  30. Jixi Fox Says:

    Awesome awesome….I am actually following your lead coming soon. 🙂 Did I mention how awesome you are?

  31. Thank you for stopping by my new blog and “liking” my poem. I plan on exposing quite a few more poems that I have written to a wider readership. Hope you continue to come by. I love your work thus far. I’m just figuring out WordPress and gathering new sites to follow, I will look forward to seeing more of yours.

  32. Vonna Says:

    You’ve stopped by my blog before.Thanks for doing so again and for following me.

  33. Hi ma’m,
    thanks for the like on my Speck ramble. 🙂 You seem like a great English teacher! I wish you could teach at my school ^w^

  34. kantsymptom Says:

    nice entries here shawn. more power!

  35. […] explore modern day haiku, fellow WordPress blogger, Shawn Bird, has an e-book with 22 haiku […]

  36. I am liking your poetry, the ones that connecting now is October and the 6 word poem

  37. debcorreia Says:

    Hi Shawn, thank you for taking the time to look at my blog and the follow on Aspiring to Inspire. I am grateful. I look forward to looking into your blog with greater depth. It looks like a fun place to visit. Thank you.

  38. ribbons16 Says:

    Thanks for stopping by I have read some of your poetry and it is truly beautiful!

  39. i hope your book does well! thanks for following my blog. i’ve just started following yours too (assuming my cantankerous computer cooperates).

  40. jazzytower Says:

    Congratulations on your publications! Thanks for stopping by, come again.

  41. Thank you for liking my poem on, as I am new to blogging it is nice to see someone enjoying a piece of my work. On visiting your blog I have found your site is very well established and I appreciate you taking time out to read my poem. I hope we continue to enjoy each other’s poetry.

  42. Chi Holder Says:

    Thank you for liking my poem “On the Other Side”. I am enjoying your poetry!

  43. Charlie Alford Says:

    Very generous to provide a code so we can access your collection for free. I am looking forward to having a read after I have finished exploring your site.

  44. Wonderfully ambitious site! Thanks for visiting KPKworld. Care to submit a poem for my GUESTBOOK?

  45. […] has some poetry books available see the links on the Poetry page linked […]

  46. Thank you for taking the time to read my poetry. I was ecstatic to find out you were part of Rotary and even more ecstatic to find out you used to be an exchange student! I used to be one, too!

    • How wonderful! Where did you go? I have a few posts on being an exchange student here. (Click Rotary). You’ll have to see if you agree with what I wrote, and add your observations. 🙂 Are you a Rotarian yourself now?

      • One of these days I may be, but I only went on my exchange year in the ’11-’12 year. I was in Denmark! I’m goign to check out the Rotary section now!

      • That’s funny. In 2012-13 we hosted a lovely girl from Denmark. 🙂 Mia.

        You’ll have to look for a Rotaract group in your town or college.

  47. jreidy17 Says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog Hanguk Babble. When I came to see your blog, I felt like I had met a long lost friend. You are my kind of peeps. Love your hair. I am off to order a copy of your poetry.

    Because of my interest in poetry, some how I am attempting to mix it together with learning Korean, for a pretty strange mix. Chatting with two Korean men – a poet and a rice farmer – has them sending me poems to translate/enjoy. If this motivates me to study harder while I think I am just having fun, then great.

    It has come as a complete surprise that my little journal of my stumbling attempts to learn a language has attracted people who seem drawn by the poems. I’m glad you enjoy them. Take care. Well met!

  48. stew1e Says:

    Thanks for liking my “Garden” poem and following my blog. Your blog is wonderfully inspiring, and your recommendation of Smashwords is pointing me in that direction!

  49. toad2014 Says:

    Me thinks! You standing behind me, but i know if i turn-around you will disappear….

    Yes – No?

  50. I can’t believe i missed an entire month of your poetry through NaPoWriMo…will have to make up for lost time now…always inspiring Shawn!

  51. I am happy you like my Haiku poem; it means a lot to me coming from a Haiku poet. Enjoyed visiting your site and I look forward to future posts. Thanks.

  52. dharmendr Says:

    You have an awesome main page. I am looking forward to reading your blog. And thanks for the follow. I appreciate it.

  53. Embracing a Wounded Soul Says:

    I’m purchasing my copy today 🙂

  54. aderonkey Says:

    Hey Shawn! Thank you so much for following my blog 🙂 Seeing all the progress you have made with your blog inspires me to continue writing!

  55. Hello there Shawn hey I have a cousin with that name, I’ve been by your blog before things have changed a bet I like it. Thank you for following my blog Ashen Rose Darkly Written it’s greatly appreciated. 🙂

  56. hamiltonju Says:

    You are very talented

  57. Great writing! keep it up!

  58. Greetings Madame Bird, quite eccentric indeed, thank You for the support ,all the reading and wading through my works. Any advice or critiques if You don’t mind? You are quite skilled and talented in Your art.

    • Thank you, Siegfried.

      Your style is very elevated with its older language and formal rhyme schemes. This is not the current style of poetry, but it has a lovely echo of historical poetry. It’s kind of like having a gorgeous restored car, I think. Everyone turns to admire it, but not many are up for the adventure of driving or maintaining it. You have some lovely pieces.

  59. Jack Locke Says:

    Thanks for liking my poem, The Bees and The Wasps. Now in Montreal, I first waterskied in the Salmon Arm area. Incidentally, in 2005, I visited Fontaine de Vaucluse, and wrote a villanelle about that special place.

    • Lots of connections!
      Fontaine de Vaucluse is just amazing. I really hope to get a summer/season there, working on the book I have brewing. I was there to start the process, but have been distracted by others the last four years. 🙂

      • Jack Locke Says:

        Can Council has/had a residency in Paris, you might consider applying??

      • Definitely worth exploring, though Paris is a long way from Vaucluse! I have a friend who’s offered her house, but she’s 404 km away, which is not much more practical than the 700 km of Paris.

      • Jack Locke Says:

        Hello Shawn,

        I was looking at my old emails and was reminded that I stayed at a youth Hostel in Fontaine de Vaucluse(IH) very affordable. (The tiny scorpion I found in my shoe caused no problem.) Also, my villanelle was published in 2005 or 2006 in Quills Canadian Poetry, entitled: Petrarch, Petrarque, Petrarka.

      • Cool.
        I looked up the hostel, and all I can find is La Palud-sur-Verdon which isn’t in Fontaine de Vaucluse (though it’s what comes up when I request Fontaine) It seems to me that there was one right in town though. Intriguing idea. I wonder if a hostel lets one stay for a couple of months?

  60. Thank you for the like and follow! Looking forward to checking out your own work!

  61. Jk Says:

    Hello Shawn, thank you for liking my first short poem “Your Stale Cereal”, I appreciate it! Your blog inspires me to write! Looking forward to your future work =)

  62. dancer on the waves Says:

    Hello Shawn, thank you for stopping by, liking my poem and following. I’m truly happy that I stumbled upon your fascinating WordPress dominion and am following you back. Good luck with all your projects!

  63. josertheman Says:

    Hey Shawn, many thanks for visiting my WordPress blog and for liking some of my poems. I really appreciate your kindness.

  64. 2ndhalfolife Says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I am very honored you ‘liked’ one of my poems! You are one of the people I mentioned in “Pearls”. 🙂

  65. lightwalker1 Says:

    thank you for popping in and following my blog. It was kind of you to take the time. I will be back to read your updates. I enjoyed the poems I read today. In Love and Light Cheryle

  66. I’m glad I stopped by.You’ve created an impressive site and Free offers….! Thank you, for enjoying my site too. I’ve never met a Rotary before. : )

  67. Great blog! Thanks for being an inspirational writer! Light and love, Shona:)

  68. Shawn, your blog and your works are really awesome☆ Thanks for sharing yourself with us :). I will definitely be buying your books and telling family and friends about them too. I wish you all the best and success in your endeavors. I also appreciate you stopping by and following my blog. Peace and Love to you☆ 🙂

  69. Shawn, thank you for stopping by my blog. I’ve taken a look at yours and there’s a lot of great information. I wish you continued success with your books and other endeavors!

  70. nikada777 Says:

    he he hi !Not many who know or would think I’m starting to write poetry
    As said the attempt. Respects what you do so what criticism you come with welcome
    what i think ?I can tell you what I know, one page is so
    Multi-colored sweet and hot fits me poetry finally managed to get to the blog not about bacon, but intends to continue


  71. do try to place your book link in some libraries

    please include hyde park poetry projects as your shopping list.

  72. well done your blog is very interesting keep up the great work from kevin

  73. Lazarus Shatipamba Says:

    Hi Shawn, thanks for liking my recent post ‘Back Then’ as well as following The Poets Peace. Really appreciate it. Awesome blog btw.

What do you think?