Shawn L. Bird

Original poetry, commentary, and fiction. All copyrights reserved.

poem-drowning July 15, 2014

Filed under: OUTLANDERishness,Poetry — Shawn L. Bird @ 8:21 pm
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Word came

that the ship was lost:

No survivors.

Her beloved

perished amid a storm

In her dreams

she sees him














on her








I suppose this could be about Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon, but in fact, it came from listening to The Lost Wife by Alyson Richman.  It also reminds me of a family story.

My grandfather was a ship captain on the St. Lawrence Seaway.  One day, a knock came on the door, and my grandmother was told gravely that his ship had sunk, and he was lost.  This would no doubt have been far more traumatic, had grandpa not been sitting in the living room at the time. 


21 Responses to “poem-drowning”

  1. Éilis Niamh Says:

    Beautiful poem. And wow, what a story. The person imparting the grave news must have had quite an astonished look on his face! Glad it was nothing serious.

    • It just occurs to me, that last week when I was going through old Montreal city directories, I saw another Georges Duguay who was listed as a sailor. I’ll bet he was the one who actually died. 😦 Poor guy.

  2. I loved the repetition in this. It had a nice beat to it 🙂

  3. jensenempire2551 Says:

    Sad story, now now Mrs Bird…..

  4. I don’t like sad endings. Life is chocked too full of them. I like the story at the end, your grandmother being spared the grief of bad news because granddad there with her proving the bad news to be false.

  5. howardat58 Says:

    This happened to my grandfather’s favorite model, Eleanor Thornton in 1916. See my site page and scroll to the last picture. We don’t forget.

  6. tangogoode Says:

    I love it so much. I just want to go hug someone I love. Thank you for sharing.

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