Shawn L. Bird

Original poetry, commentary, and fiction. All copyrights reserved.

Poem- On another year July 17, 2013

Filed under: Poetry — Shawn L. Bird @ 4:31 am
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You stand silently apart

You hover on the edges



I mingle like sugar in water




to draw you

into my arms

to hold you

to anchor you.

But you don’t know where

those hands have been.

You seek a quiet place

to find a peaceful oasis

for the discomfort of that skin

for the ramble of those thoughts

for the torture of that crowd

I stand apart

and watch you pull yourself

in pieces

I’m laughing and chatting

and wishing I could be enough

to give you courage


faith in yourself,

but I’m not.

No matter how much

my heart is full to bursting

with wanting it.

You have to be




33 Responses to “Poem- On another year”

  1. Lovely blog!
    Maybe we can follow each other? x

  2. Really like your line “I mingle like sugar in water”

  3. words4jp Says:

    I can relate to this on many levels. i know someone who has to find that peace within in himself – before he can expect to find it with others. You described this beautifully and perfectly.

  4. wow!!! wow!!!

    These lines of yours captured my imagination:

    You seek a quiet place

    to find a peaceful oasis

    for the discomfort of that skin

    for the ramble of those thoughts

    for the torture of that crowd

    what was your inspiration for this poem? Incredible! and so awesomely written poem.

    Say, don’t forget to check out my new poem I just posted…It’s Moon crust acid (2045). 😉

  5. wildfong Says:

    Reblogged this on Wildfong's Corner of Reality and commented:
    I love this poem, I can relate while still pondering of what the author felt when composing this. Kudos!

  6. ihatepoetry Says:

    As I read this I couldn’t tell if you were speaking to yourself or another – either way, works beautifully.

    • and that is the mystery of poetry. Like most writing, 50% comes from the writer and 50% comes from the reader, and where the words and the eyes meet, a new story is formed, distinct from the writer’s…

  7. This touched me in a way I can’t even begin to explain. The universe obviously needed and wanted me to see this breath-taking piece! Thank you for sharing your gift!

  8. quarksire Says:

    u said> “It’s about mental health, too. Sometimes they can’t, and those who love them can’t do anything but hope for the best and love them through it.””” an i say so agreed,,,magnificant thought process on this subjekt, couldnt have read my mind better today or again helped it in its way! lol.have a great one….Q

  9. Hello Shawn, I was really moved by your poem. I can definitely relate to the message behind it (which I feel is one of unrequited love). I found your writing very elegant, yet honest. Enjoyed it!

    • I wasn’t thinking of unrequited love myself, but the interpretation belongs as much to the reader as to the poet, and whatever you take is valid. 🙂 I’m glad you liked it.

  10. Angel Says:

    Your piece was really moving! loved it! 🙂

  11. There is depth and intellectual emotion here, enough to draw us in and feel and think with you.

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