Shawn L. Bird

Original poetry, commentary, and fiction. All copyrights reserved.

Sasquatch sighting in Cinnemousun Narrows June 9, 2012

Angela, an astute reader of this blog and member of the Facebook Fan Page, has sent me a link to two reports of Shuswap Lake Sasquatch sightings filed with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization:  Angela feels this report adds credibility to the Sasquatch reports in Grace Awakening Power.

This is not the first time I have written something, only to discover that  it fit into research or recorded history.  I find it quite amazing that the reports identify sightings in almost the same places as they occur in Grace Awakening Power.

What do you think?  Is it the equivalent of ‘dry wall stilts’ as Grace had initially alleged or is there more to this than meets the eye?

Thanks Angela for freaking us out over here at!


2 Responses to “Sasquatch sighting in Cinnemousun Narrows”

  1. Awesome news, and funny thing is, I wrote a small article about BigFoot on my blog,lol!

    • Shawn Bird Says:

      The sightings were posted in 2005, so it’s not new news, but it’s still pretty cool! I was glad to have it pointed out, since it supported events in my book!

What do you think?