Shawn L. Bird

Original poetry, commentary, and fiction. All copyrights reserved.

poem-bringing gifts January 17, 2024

Filed under: poem,Poetry — Shawn L. Bird @ 5:26 am
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So many criteria
for a deceptively simple task.
Light weight
. useful
.  fun
.   full to over-flowing with love
Small tokens are all I can
pack in a bag
Only miniscule metaphors for my
immeasurable gratitude.
What gift is enough?
Oh, what can
I bring?



This spring I’m off to do a couple of writing retreats and visiting friends and family from my times as a exchange student, yay those many years ago. Since I only travel with a carry-on, regardless of the length of the stay, I have limited room for all the gifts I want to bring.  >>sigh<< I’m hoping my trip to the Fabric store will meet assorted needs. Wish me luck!







4 Responses to “poem-bringing gifts”

  1. Trish Haugen Says:

    The gift of a poem- framed for a wall?


    • A nice idea, though frames are heavy and bulky in a carry-on. I’ll be wearing it all on my back, for distances between transit and accommodations.
      I like fabric as it squishes into crevices and avoiding polyesters, is quite light.

      I have some poetry collections or novellas that are possible, but paper is heavy and has corners!

  2. Your heart and your love! Best gift ever. A friend travelling to me knitted a beanie for me. We camp, it keeps my head warm, and it reminds me of her.

  3. maria102688 Says:

    This is very profound. It really touched me. So many thoughts ran though my mind… Truly it’s stunning.

What do you think?