Shawn L. Bird

Original poetry, commentary, and fiction. All copyrights reserved.

poem- Measuring May 10, 2014

Video with my narration is in the previous post, but here’s the written version:



Shawn L. Bird

This is me.

The standardized test says,

“She’s a C.”


But no standardized test

can measure my capacity.


The provincial exam or S A T

does not evaluate my reality.


A test does not see

    my creativity

       my audacity

          my tenacity

             my congeniality

No test can reveal

                  my totality.


They say

a standardized test demands gravity,

but I say,

it is a depravity

to define our youth with such rationality!


This is me.

No standardized test can measure

who I will be.



26 Responses to “poem- Measuring”

  1. krystathrower Says:

    I really like this!

  2. This is the prime argument against standardized testing. People are not to be pigeon-holed nor their creativity ignored. Hurrah for individual differences!

  3. macjam47 Says:

    There is a LOT of truth in this poem. A LOT!

  4. macjam47 Says:

    Reblogged this on BOOK CHAT and commented:
    Testing – what it doesn’t measure.

  5. kanzensakura Says:

    Indeed. and thankfully, they still haven’t yet figured out a way to test for everything!

    • Class room observation during active learning is still the best for most things.

      • kanzensakura Says:

        Flesh and blood trumps pen and paper any day for that special learning. Although to be fair, many thousands of years ago, through class observation, the teacher felt I was “backward” and wanted me placed in special ed. My mother had a fit because she knew better. After testing, they discovered in first grade, I had a 6th grade reading, comprehension, and math abilities – the problem was, I needed glasses!

      • And the process of getting glasses is a standardized test! In my case, it was teachers who recommended I get my eyes tested.

      • kanzensakura Says:

        Well, I was in elementary school in 1956 so I am not sure if the test was around then.

      • Then it could have been using the individual lenses in a box, not the lens machine, but the administration of the eye exam is done to standardized procedures then as now.

  6. colonialist Says:

    The standardized tests simply don’t measure up your exacting standards!

  7. Standardized tests confuse the tool and the task. It’s as if you asked someone to build a house, and after years of effort they cheerfully hand you a printed blueprint as the finished product.

  8. Great poem, I like the fact that we can all relate to this.

  9. rolltidejen Says:

    Just wanted to say again how very powerful this is, and how amazingly written. 🙂

  10. Geo Sans Says:

    has no

  11. awkwarddancer Says:

    Reblogged this on The Absentminded Professor, in the making and commented:
    Take that education system!

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