Shawn L. Bird

Original poetry, commentary, and fiction. All copyrights reserved.

poem- story girl April 14, 2014

Filed under: Poetry — Shawn L. Bird @ 6:21 pm
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The narration of your life

reads like a psychological thriller:

danger around every corner,

tension ramped to pain,

each character a potential villain

set to betray you,

and you’ve been betrayed, I know.

You’ve built your fortress

high and wide

and peek over cautiously

in your dark camouflage,

searching for the enemy

ready to defend

the small safety zone

you’ve carved for yourself.

You will survive,

because the protagonist

must overcome.

On the power of your words,

your resilience will rise

above the tormented tragedy

of your history

and you will embrace the destiny

that awaits your discovery.

I believe in your joyfully

mundane denouement.




42 Responses to “poem- story girl”

  1. lol sounds like you know me!

  2. Rise above Says:

    So easy to see through them, isn’t it?

  3. On the power of your words,

    your resilience will rise

    above the tormented tragedy

    of your history

    and you will embrace the destiny

    that awaits your discovery.

    I believe in your joyfully

    mundane denouement.”

    inspirational, insightful, the poem started fantastic but those lines hit me deep.

  4. I have to tell you, you are probably my most favorite blogger here. I look forward to every poem and post. Thank you for writing 🙂

  5. Christine Says:

    Wow. This poem really spoke a lot to me. It hit home and I was reminded why I stll keep on going. Thank you for this. 🙂

  6. Dan Hoger Says:

    Awesome poem!
    Hopefully it’s not a horror story, otherwise the protagonist might not overcome. 😛
    But let’s be optimistic!

  7. terrikurczewski Says:


  8. K. A. Brace Says:

    Reblogged this on The Mirror Obscura and commented:
    I thought Shawn wrote something good to begin the day off. >KB

  9. Quite liked this Shawn!

  10. uniqusatya Says:

    Obvious thing,wherever there is trust,there is betrayal

    • Inevitably? How sad.

      I’m more inclined to believe where ever there are unreasonable expectations there is an opportunity for a sense of betrayal. Even then, it’s often impression, rather than fact.

  11. Touching… I really liked it… Almost everyone can connect with this creation of yours… 🙂

    – BS

  12. themysticdom Says:

    that was deep an inspirational. loved it

  13. FullEmpty Says:

    “I believe in your joyfully
    mundane denouement.”
    Really hard hitting. Tragic that this is what most of us (or myself at least) look forward to! Thanks for a lovely poem.

  14. Kendra Young Says:

    I really liked this poem! I recently went through something like this, so it was so relatable. It’s nice to know that there is some hope out there. By the way, I appreciate the warmly humorous tone of your poem. It’s a gift. Thanks for sharing!

  15. colonialist Says:

    Not all are mundane! Some produce surprises.

    • Ah, but a ‘common, every day’ existance is a nearly impossible dream for far too many.

      (and the repeating /n/ /d/ /ay/ /uh/ sounds are so nice in ‘mundane denoument’ 😉 )

  16. “On the power of your words,
    your resilience will rise
    above the tormented tragedy
    of your history”

    Made the piece. Made it.

What do you think?